2009 Class Project
Hermosa Beach Community Center Gym Renovation
The class of 2009 worked with the Hermosa Beach Youth Basketball League to raise funds to replace and paint the Hermosa Beach Community Center gymnasium floor. The Community Center gymnasium is one of the most heavily used recreational facilities in the City and was in need of a replacement. A grant from the Los Angeles Lakers Foundation and the proceeds from the two groups’ fundraising efforts allowed for enough funding to replace the existing floor with a high-grade maple floor that features game lines and the Hermosa Beach Youth Basketball logo at the center.

Joe Carrillo, Jahanvi Goldstein, Sally Goodfellow, Julie Jennings, Forrest Jung, David Kaduk, Rashel Mereness, Bryan Ousdahl, Eric Padilla, David Pedersen, Christie Rey, Carol Russell, Manny Serano, John Shikella