2016 Class Project
Hermosa Utlity Box (HUB) Art
This walking map depicts a selection of plain utility boxes the HUB Art Project transformed by wrapping them in beautiful, entertaining, and stimulating art donated by local artists. The HUB Art boxes are located at (artists noted in parentheses): Pier Ave & Hermosa Ave (Daniel Inez) The Strand @ 11th St (Bob Dob) The Strand @ 35th St (2 boxes) (Lisa Arnett & Jeff Fieger) Herondo St & Monterey Ave (Daniel Inez) Prospect Ave & Aviation Blvd (Carissa Catalina) Valley Dr @ Hermosa Valley School (Jake Tedesco) 13th St & Hermosa Ave (Chris Miller) Leadership Hermosa Beach thanks each artist for donating their work and Spin Imaging for wrapping the HUB Art boxes. Each year, the incoming Leadership Hermosa Beach class selects a community service project and raises funds to complete their project. The Class of 2016 held fundraisers and received donations from individuals and local businesses to fund the HUB Art project. The Class of 2016 thanks everyone who contributed funds and otherwise helped with the project, including Leadership Hermosa Beach alumni and the following businesses and organizations (in alphabetical order) Beach Cities Health District Becker Surf The Comedy and Magic Club edlee Designs Electric The North End Pacific Stranded Rockefeller ROK Sushi Volleyball Ventures and all the individual donors that helped us make this project successful

Kim Chafin, Miguel Cruz, Barbara Ellman, John Farrales, Garrett Gustafson, Daniel Inez, Karl Kurz, Branden McBirney, Tammy Pao, JoAnna Papageorgiou, Chris Prenter, Marie Rice, Chris Rogers, Lael Stabler, Jackie Tagliaferro, Kim Noble, Justin Massey